For GROWMARK, Inc. 2009 – today
Developed and implemented internal WE ARE corporate campaign, that included engagement with employees in advance of the 2010 Annual Meeting. Components of the project included a kickoff event with floor panels, balloons, signage and group photo session. The campaign theme was carried through on premiums, contests, posters, intranet, and other communications pieces.
I have also contributed to a number of GROWMARK corporate communications projects, including copy for the 2014 Annual Report, copy for the 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report, and contribution of editorial stories for the Source magazine. I have also conducted a series of focus groups to help define company culture.
Developed and produced two videos that outline the story of GROWMARK. You can see the shorter version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0QnAQ2L6O0
For GROWMARK, Inc. Energy Division 2011-today
Created and produced more than 20 testimonial videos that showcase various users of Dieselex Gold fuel. The videos are part of GROWMARK’s Go Further campaign and can be viewed on YouTube. Here is a sampling of the 90 second videos that were adapted for web, iPad and other platforms.
Mid-America Sand and Gravel
Hetzels Overland Trucking
Koeller Farms
Thieding Construction
Swanson Farms
Additionally, created and produced a four-minute video to introduce a new formulation for Dieselex Gold fuel. The video can be seen on YouTube here.
For the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) 2003-today
Developed and currently implementing a strategic marketing plan for an entire year's activities. Serve as marketing and public relations consultant on a contractual basis. Projects include the development of the annual wall calendar (pdf) that serves as the centerpiece for all marketing activities. I edit and produce a bi-annual newsletter and numerous press releases relating to ongoing and newly introduced training activities. I also serve as the institute’s Public Information Officer when operating under the National Incident Management System. CLICK HERE FOR THE BELLS & WHISTLES
My work with IFSI also requires continual identification of new marketing strategies and market analysis to augment the formal marketing plan. I am responsible for all social media including Facebook and Twitter. I also monitor the IFSI web site and make recommendations for updates.
For the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR) 2011
Serve as Program Manager, overseeing month-to-month activities.
For the Illinois Soybean Association / Illinois Soybean Program Operating Board intermittently 1978-2012
In 2011 and 2012, developed and implemented SoyIllinois – a booklet that promotes Illinois to foreign and domestic buyers by statistically showing why Illinois is the best source for soybeans. The booklet was translated into four languages in 2012 and includes a resource guide, with an online version that is updated often. The project also included developing statistics for every Illinois county, for use by county economic development councils and other local stakeholders. Click here to view the booklet, county pages and various translations. The 2011SoyIllinois booklet received first place at the Regional National Agri Marketing Association (NAMA) competition.
Develop and implement strategic communications plans and tools targeted to soybean producers and consumers. Projects include promotions to increase use of biodiesel fuels, both with consumers and farmer audiences. CLICK HERE FOR THE BELLS & WHISTLES
Development of various communications strategies throughout the years, as projects were identified at the state and national levels, including the Varietal Information Program for Soybeans (VIPS), a web-based database recording constituent values of soybeans.
For the Illinois Crop Improvement Association 2001-2012
Developed customer procedures manual for certifying seed. Designed and produced artwork for marketing materials.
Researched and developed graphic identity for new product. Prepared and delivered presentations to various audiences to convince them of the value of the new product and to gauge interest in a new service being offered by Illinois Crop Improvement. This project included working with a patent and trademark attorney to get the graphic identity registered with the U.S. Patent and Trade Office.
For the American Soybean Association 2001-2002
Served as liaison to private foundations to identify and solicit funding for the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) program. Developed relationships with foundations and government agencies and wrote grant pre-proposals to fund technical assistance and product transportation into Southern Africa. The WISHH program is unique in that it works with Private Volunteer Organizations in developing countries to deliver protein-rich soy into local traditional diets.
For the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) 2000-2001
Developed and wrote procedures for seed companies to become accredited to perform the mechanics of certifying seed for international movement of product. The project involved coordinating and facilitating a committee effort of seed certifying agencies and seed company representatives.
Developed and wrote process-control manual template for member agencies to use when applying for USDA accreditation for certified organic production.
For the United Soybean Board 2000
Developed and implemented industry-wide survey to measure and weigh research priorities across the entire soy value chain. The results of the survey will be used by the United Soybean Board to help set future research priorities funding and be incorporated into their strategic plan.
For the Soybean Research and Development Council 1997-1999
Acted as Director for Global Soy Forum, the first international conference for soybean production and research that engaged the entire soy value chain. Held in Chicago in August 1999, the conference attracted more than 1800 participants from 63 countries. Global Soy Forum combined the World Soybean Research Conference VI with the Midwest Soybean Conference 4, the Soy in Animal Nutrition Symposium and a separate soy foods track. CLICK HERE FOR THE BELLS & WHISTLES
For the Sierra Community College District 1997
Developed and implemented marketing strategies for Summer and Fall 1997 sessions, using direct mail, advertising and other marketing tools. The goal was to realize a 13% increase in enrollment. Through marketing strategies developed, a 25% increase in enrollment in the summer 1997 session was accomplished. Acted as Public Information Officer, preparing press releases and public information packets for Board of Trustees and press.
For the City of Sacramento Neighborhood Services Department 1996-97
Developed logo and promotional materials, including display, for Title 5 Social Services grant.
Developed and coordinated public relations and marketing strategic plan to promote various programs being offered by Neighborhood Services Department, targeted toward "at-risk" youth. Worked with staff and volunteers using the "train the trainer" method.
Developed marketing plan and recommendations for Area 4 of Neighborhood Services Department. The Department consists of code enforcement, parks and recreation, resources, housing and redevelopment.
For the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1995-96
Developed Public Information Strategy for the Comprehensive Plan as part of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA). This project required designing a program that addressed farmers and other stakeholder's concerns regarding water availability. Work included interviewing farmers and irrigation districts in the lower San Joaquin Valley, who would be impacted by reduced flows from Friant Dam.
Coordinated public outreach program targeted at stakeholders in the Central Valley Project. Work included updating CVPIA home page and working closely with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation team members on the Forum process developed by John Garamendi, then Under Secretary for the Department of the Interior.
For various other clients
Developed public information strategies and marketing plans. Developed publications used as internal and external communications vehicles.
I am familiar and have worked with the following:
Fire Service industry
Homeland Security
Seed industry
National and international soybean industry
Land and resource conservation
California water issues
Agriculture commodities
Political campaigns
Petroleum industry